We can provide you with a Simpli5 treatment that works like an Invisalign treatment in Greenwood. Both can improve your smile but we have found Simpli5 to be more convenient, so that is what we use in our dental office. This solution can do far more than simply help you look better. With Simpli5, you will feel better, too. We encourage you to make improving your smile part of your New Years’ resolutions so you can begin to experience the benefits of loving your smile. We understand that many adults want straight teeth, but life has gotten in the way. The needs of the kids, the busy demands of work, financial obligations, etc. can push things like braces to the bottom of the list fairly quickly. We can help you reach this momentous goal and make it as easy as possible for you to do so.
The Process of Starting a Simpli5 Treatment or Invisalign Treatment in Greenwood
If you are ready to improve your smile, all you need to do is give us a call. We can examine you and take x-rays, then let you know if you qualify for this treatment. If you do, we can take measurements and digital images, and make an impression of your mouth so your treatment plan can be mapped out. This is done electronically so your aligners can be custom-created for your teeth, taking them through all the required steps in order to become straight. Your teeth will be moved into position by wearing clear plastic aligners. These aligners surround your teeth and look like full retainers. You need to wear them for around 22 hours per day and take them out to eat and brush your teeth. Otherwise, you can keep them in and should be able to speak comfortably, smile, and enjoy life without anyone being the wiser. Since they are virtually invisible, you will also get the benefits of seeing your smile improve as the treatment progresses. Once you are done wearing all your aligners, your teeth should be in the right position and beautifully straight.
How Simpli5 Treatment Can Work Like an Invisalign Treatment in Greenwood to Help You Achieve Your New Years’ Resolution
It is scientifically proven that there are benefits to a beautiful smile. Match.com conducted a poll of 5,000 people and found that both men and women find a beautiful smile to be the most attractive quality someone could have. While Match.com is not exactly science, the poll data is compelling. If your goals involve a romantic relationship, improving your smile should be a given. Simultaneously, studies have shown that attractive people also get ahead at work. They are often perceived as being more helpful and are more likely to get a raise or to be hired for a job in the first place. At work, you want to use a winning smile to get ahead. If you are self-conscious or hide yours, it could create a negative perception about you. To make sure you have the competitive advantage and can achieve any work goals you have, begin your Simpli5 treatment as an alternative to an Invisalign® treatment in Greenwood.