Your smile is one of the most important ways you communicate with the world. You smile when you meet someone new, when you hear your favorite song, and when you just feel good. Keep your smile healthy with these 5 quick tips:
- Drink a glass of water
Water is good for your teeth in many ways. First and foremost, staying hydrated is good for your overall health, which is an important foundation for a healthy mouth. A benefit directly for your teeth is that drinking water can help clear away unwanted debris from food. It is left behind sugar and food particles in your mouth that allow cavities to develop. Drink more water, get fewer cavities. Drink up!
- Eat an apple
Apples are a health no-brainer. You’ve heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” There is some truth to this statement! Apples are such a healthy fruit, providing a filling, delicious snack with healthy calories and essential vitamins. Because apples have a slightly acidic makeup and a crunchy texture, they can help gently clean your teeth. That doesn’t mean you should skip brushing, of course!
- Make a dentist appointment
Have you been putting off making a call to your dentist? You should get your teeth cleaned at least 2 times per year to keep your mouth at its optimal health. Call, right now! If you need a trustworthy dentist in Greenwood, Indiana or the surrounding areas, contact us and let Dr. Matt and our staff take care of your teeth!
- Floss
Of course you have been told before that you should brush and floss your teeth daily. Unfortunately, most people only brush and don’t keep up with flossing. Flossing can help remove buildup between your teeth in places where a toothbrush won’t reach. It also can help prevent against gum disease and many oral discomforts. Buying floss and actually making yourself use it is a relatively low price to pay for the innumerable benefits.
- Smile more
Smiling releases chemicals in your body that tell your brain you feel happy. People who are happier tend to have better life experiences, live longer, and make a better impact on the world. Smile more, friends!
Having a healthy smile is possible and important! A healthy mouth can support the health of your entire body and make you feel better all-around. Please try these 5 things now to take a few steps toward a healthier smile.