As a kids’ dentist in Greenwood, we are aware that treating children poses a unique set of challenges and demands a unique set of skills. Children have mouths and jaws that are still growing while we are treating them. Despite this, the most challenging thing we face does not come from children or their growing teeth. The most difficult thing about being a kids’ dentist in Greenwood, or anywhere in the world for that matter, is a misunderstanding among children’s parents about the importance of early dental care. We prefer to see a child after they have turned three, so they are entering preschool with excellent oral health. Parents tend to be very diligent when it comes to the medical care of their children, but are unaware of their oral health needs. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), less than two-thirds of children aged two to four visited a dentist in the last year. In that same age group, the majority did visit a pediatrician. As a direct result of this lack of focus on oral health compared to physical health, we see ever-increasing numbers of pediatric dental disease, also known as childhood tooth decay. In children between the ages of two and five, decay occurs in at least 25 percent of children. For older demographics, between the ages of 12 and 15, that number rises to 50 percent.
Good Oral Health Is Important for School
As your kids’ dentist in Greenwood, the best advice we can give you is to start your child early and make sure you bring them in regularly for cleaning and checkups. There are too many school hours lost across the country from children who have to get emergency dental work done or restorative work. It may be surprising, but we lose 2.26 million school days every year to these procedures. However, we have found that for every $1 spent at your kids’ dentist in Greenwood on preventative dental work, you save approximately $50 later on restorative or emergency dental care. This is a tremendous savings, and that’s not even taking into account the amount of discomfort you will be saving your child from by dealing with problems before they become painful. You can prevent most oral health problems by following a simple rule of 2-2-2.
The 2-2-2 rule goes like this: make sure that you are brushing or supervising the brushing of, your children’s teeth at least two times per day. Each brushing should be a minimum of two minutes in length using a fluoride toothpaste, and you should bring your child to a kids’ dentist in Greenwood at least two times per year. We also recommend you feed them a mouth healthy diet that includes lean protein, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, and nuts. Avoiding foods high in sugar or starch will help to reduce their risk of getting cavities, as will drinking plenty of water throughout the day.